When all doubt on you trust yourself |astonishinglife001


The two-person have trust in you, one is you and another is God.

When all doubt on you trust yourself

Trust Yourself

Life is a Struggleful journey, you have to struggle at every stage of life like in student life, in employees life, in entrepreneur life, in marriage life, and at the end in old age. It is a never-ending journey and struggles never end until death. In this journey, we all face it at least once, when all are doubt on you. That time only the two-person have trust in you, one is you and another is God. God only trusts those, who trust first themselves. No need to worry about anything just trusts yourself and do what you are doing. One day your achievements prof that, they all are wrong who doubt on you.

Sometimes criticism is also good for us because that helps us to grow, helps us to push ourselves, and become tougher. Those who doubt you, actually indirectly pushing you towards your goal. And, it is not possible that everyone's like you, love you or motivate you. There are always some people in your life you don't like and they always doubt on you but actually we can see another side of this so, they also working for you and indirectly motivating you because everyone has a different style to do things. So, that is good for you and it is ok to have that  people in life.

"Just trust yourself, you will know how to live."


ANIK Sutradhar said…
Energy supply by you
When we loos our hope
Best wishes for you my dear
Thank You 😊

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