Should we let them know our weak point | astonishinglife001

Should we share our secrets with others? 

Should we let them know our weak point?

Should we share our secrets with others? 
The answers are absolutely NOT.........
we know this answer but most of the time we ignore this fact. As we all know human beings are emotional animals that's why we flow with our emotions and start sharing every secret and weak point with our family, friends, relatives, and most important one our loved ones...

 what happens when we did this mistake?

Did these people really care about us? 
Is there any guarantee that they will not harm you in the future?

Now this time your turn you guys tell me the answer to these three questions......


Vaishali Verma said…
Nice thoughts Nisha. I agree with this.
Sarvesh said…
Nice one !!
Unknown said…
Hey miss blogger!! I totally agree with your point, but you should also considered that if nobody would share his or her feeling with the front one person, then one day that person would get depressed and that will lead to depression and anxiety attacks. Though nobody gives guarantee that they will not harm, even our parents also harm at certain point of time, so we should get afraid of to share our thoughts and secrets as that fornt one person is alsi sharing his or her secrets and thoughts, so it will become give and take kinda relation.
Jaspreet said…
Hey miss blogger!! I totally agree with your point, but you should also considered that if nobody would share his or her feeling with the front one person, then one day that person would get depressed and that will lead to depression and anxiety attacks. Though nobody gives guarantee that they will not harm, even our parents also harm at certain point of time, so we should get afraid of to share our thoughts and secrets as that fornt one person is alsi sharing his or her secrets and thoughts, so it will become give and take kinda relation.
Nisha paharva said…
Each coin has a two side so, whatever happens in our life or whatever we did in our life have a two sides , one is positive and another is negative.If we are doing something then ready for positive and as well as negative effect and i am agree with your point of view but that is
other side of coin.
shivani chaudhary,
Amazing write-up...👍
Vikash singh said…
Well! The thought is nice, however i believe that sharing of things are always beneficial if you choose the right person and the best example is our parents. Keeping things inside all the time may cause depression or many mental problems. Human is a social animal and we all should accept this fact.

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