Are you on right track? |astonishinglife001


Are you on right track? 

Ask this question to yourself

when you are fighting for your dream but everyone opposing you and criticizing you even your parents also but you know that you are on right track, then don't stop believing in yourself you are on right track you will be one day what you want to be.

Don't depend on others even your parents or love ones no one is going to fight for your dream only you can change your life, you are the only one who can, who will.

life is full of struggle, Everywhere we have to struggle for our dreams this struggle starts from our home, it may be bitter truth for some people but it is the reality of our life.

As a girl why don't we have a right to live our life according to our wishes?
Why our lives decide by the so-called society, why we sacrifice our dreams for our family.
we are not a goddess or so-called "tyag ki Devi. we also have our emotions. we also have our dreams.

I will not sacrifice my dreams for anyone...................................
I will live my life according to my choice ...............................
I will not depend on anyone in my life.................................

Ask these same three questions to yourself are you going to sacrifice your dreams???????



Unknown said…
Definately not. It's our life so one should live according to our choice and comfort. Very nice topic appreciated!!
Nisha said…
Very well written nisha, I agree with you.
Unknown said…
Great efforts Nisha , very well described . Keep it up .
Ratika said…
Don't ever give up and just follow your passion
Unknown said…
I will never give up on my dreams. I have the patient to wait and work hard for its fullfillment.
ZID SA said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
ZID SA said…
Destination is same, the methods of getting the destination change.
Unknown said…
Great work Nisha, keep it up...
Unknown said…
Well written nisha .
Keep it up.
Shivani Chaudhary
very interesting , good job and thanks for
sharing such a good informatio.

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